Saturday, May 15, 2010

Market is being Controlled - this time to take it down

Bob Chapman has been right before because he has the inside scoop. This explains a lot. He has many of the puzzle pieces that bring it all together. It isn't if American economy will go into hyperinflation but when. So be ready. Also, if there is civil unrest. Make sure you have plans to protect yourself and connect up with your neighbors to protect your neighborhood. Alone, you don't have as much chance for survival as you do with others around you working with you. This isn't a time to hide and pretend it will blow over. This is the time to prepare and plan. Those who don't will be left in the cold and possibly for dead. This may seem drastic but look at Greece. Look at other struggling economies. I don't see much civility I see a lot of chaos. Yes there is some order but only enough for the government to stay in control.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Who and what bankruptcy will happen next

As time passes, more people are getting lulled into thinking that the United States is bypassing this storm. Again this video explains that we are just running away from the storm that will eventually catch up with us. I believe that buying items now is going to be a bargain compared to what the price will be next year. DON'T WAIT. Then on top of this, taxes are rumored to be imposed on all goods. I am not taking the risk that it isn't true, are you? Remember gasoline when it use to be below $2.00. If you had a chance to stock up now with gasoline below $2.00, wouldn't you jump at the chance. Another thing is to start learning survival techniques and survival ideas. To do that go to There you will find different survival tapes in the audio section. If you want other videos search in videos under survival and it will bring up some survival tips that will be most helpful.